A network computer client device (NC) maintains a root internet service
provider (ISP) certificate which includes the ISP's public key and which
is digitally signed by a root authority using the root authority's private
key. The NC also maintains a root public key. When an ISP desires to write
onto the smart card inserted into an NC, it sends ISP account information
to be written including a digital signature portion created with the ISP's
private key to the NC. The NC performs a cryptographic verification of the
ISP account information using the ISP's public key found in the root ISP
certificate. If this verification is successful, the NC writes the ISP
account information to the smart card. If this verification fails, the ISP
account information is not written to the smart card. When an ISP attempts
to read ISP account information from a smart card inserted into an NC, the
NC first authenticates the ISP The NC then reads the ISP account
information including the digital signature portion from the smart card.
The NC performs a cryptographic verification of the ISP account
information using the ISP's public key found in the root ISP certificate.
If this verification is successful, the NC transmits the ISP account
information to the ISP. If this verification fails, the ISP account
information is not transmitted.