A new and distinct Fraxinus nigra Marsh..times.Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. hybrid ash cultivar is provided which exhibits a vigorous growth habit. An attractive oval to round-shaped tree form with an acute branching character is exhibited. The tree crown is almost as wide as tall when grown in an open setting. Dull green compound leaves are formed. The flowers are perfect, seed production is low, and no production of viable seeds has been observed to date. The tree hardiness is good. The new cultivar is particularly well suited for growing as a shade tree.

Новое и определенное mandshurica Rupr nigra Marsh..times.Fraxinus Fraxinus. гибридный cultivar золы обеспечен exhibits ядреная привычка роста. Exhibited привлекательный овал к кругл-sformirovanno1 форме вала с акутовым разветвляя характером. Крона вала почти как широка как высокоросло после того как я выроши в открытой установке. Тускловатая зеленая смесь выходит сформирована. Цветки совершенны, продукция семени низка, и никакая продукция жизнеспособных семян не наблюдалась to date. Hardiness вала хорош. Новый cultivar определенно хорошими одетый для расти как вал тени.

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< Kalanchoe plant named `Jeplina`

> Hybrid tea rose plant named `JACkisca`

> (none)

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