A new and distinct cultivar of Poinsettia plant named `Eckansley`, characterized by its bright red bracts; early flowering, response time about 8.5 weeks; creamy yellow and green variegated leaves; upright plant habit; rounded canopy; freely branching habit; flexible stems; and excellent postproduction longevity.

Um cultivar novo e distinto da planta do poinsettia nomeou o ` Eckansley`, caracterizado por seus bracts vermelhos brilhantes; cedo flowering, tempo de resposta aproximadamente 8.5 semanas; folhas variegated amarelas e verdes creamy; hábito de planta ereto; dossel arredondado; hábito livremente ramificando; hastes flexíveis; e longevity excelente do postproduction.

Web www.patentalert.com

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< Poinsettia plant named `Eckacton`

> Poinsettia plant named `Eckaiden`

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