The present invention relates generally to methods for preventing and/or treating injury or degeneration of cochlear hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons by administering a neurturin neurotrophic factor protein product. The invention relates more specifically to methods for treating sensorineural hearing loss.

A invenção atual relaciona-se geralmente aos métodos para impedir e/ou tratar ferimento ou ao degeneration de pilhas de cabelo cochlear e dos neurônios espirais do ganglion administrando um produto neurotrophic da proteína do fator do neurturin. A invenção relaciona-se mais especificamente aos métodos para tratar a perda de hearing sensorineural.


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< Method of inhibiting the proliferation and causing the differentiation of cells with IGF-1 receptor antisense oligonucleotides

> Lock-down bar release system for a pinball machine

> (none)

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