A distinct cultivar of Spathiphyllum plant named `Galaxy`, characterized by its large, symmetrical plants; large, elongated, dark green leaves; rapid growth rate; floriferousness; large white spathes that are positioned above the foliage on strong, thick and erect peduncles; and long-lasting spathes.

Un cultivar distinto de la planta de Spathiphyllum nombró el ` Galaxy`, caracterizado por sus plantas grandes, simétricas; hojas grandes, alargadas, verde oscuro; tarifa de crecimiento rápida; floriferousness; los spathes blancos grandes que se colocan sobre el follaje en fuerte, densamente y erigen peduncles; y spathes duraderos.

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< Azalea plant named `Amulet`

> Miniature rose plant named `JACBunch`

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