An apparatus 10 generates oxygenated water having a significantly reduced
oxidation reduction potential (ORP). A carbon filter 100 removes
particulate impurities from the water as it comes into the apparatus. A
water softener 150 removes minerals from the water. A reverse osmosis unit
200 further cleans and purifies the water, removing any additional solids,
and almost all the minerals and chlorides. A blender 250 adds a precisely
measured amount of sodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate to the water,
thereby making it somewhat electrically conductive. The purified water
having a measured quantity of sodium bicarbonate is stored in a tank 300
which also includes a recirculating pump 350 which keeps the water moving.
By keeping the water moving, the minimum level of sodium bicarbonate
required for electrical conductivity may be used. A pump 400 moves the
water into an electrolysis cell 450, where current passing through the
water separates a small amount of water into hydrogen and oxygen. The
water is then transferred to a sparging unit 500, where it flows in a
spiraling manner in an oxygen-rich environment, thereby further increasing
the oxygen level to approximately 50 to 60 ppm.