Surface regeneration of affinity biosensors and characterization of biomolecules associated therewith by multivariate technique employing cocktails of regeneration agents to optimize regeneration of biosensor surface and/or characterize biomolecules associated therewith. Kits and stock solutions for use in the context of this invention, as well as associated computer algorithms are also disclosed.

A regeneração de superfície de biosensors da afinidade e a caracterização dos biomolecules associaram therewith pela técnica multivariate que emprega cocktails de agentes da regeneração para optimize a regeneração da superfície do biosensor e/ou para caracterizar biomolecules associou therewith. Os jogos e as soluções do estoque para o uso no contexto desta invenção, assim como algoritmos associados do computador são divulgados também.


< (none)

< Glucose sensor assembly

> System for high volume printing of optical storage cards using ink dots

> (none)

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