A hearing protector, including a sealing body with a channel, and a
muffling device which is connected to the sealing body and connects to the
channel. When the sealing body is placed in an auditory canal, the channel
extends between the auditory canal and the atmosphere. The channel has a
distal end part at the side of the auditory canal and a proximal end part
at the side of the atmosphere. The muffling device connects to the
proximal end part of the channel and includes a rotatable control element,
provided with at least one through aperture. The muffling device also
includes a housing element provided with at least one through aperture.
The control element and the housing element are rotatable relative to each
other between two or more discrete rotation positions with corresponding
muffling value. The apertures in the control element and the housing
element overlap each other to a greater or lesser extent depending on a
mutual angle of rotation.