Wear resisting steel, a sliding member for a cylinder in an internal
combustion engine, and a ring spring consist of: carbon: equal to or less
than 2.2% by weight; silicon: equal to or less than 1.2% by weight;
manganese: equal to or more than 0.2 % by weight and less than 1.20% by
weight; chromium: equal to or less than 16% by weight; phosphorus: equal
to or less than 0.08% by weight; sulfur: equal to or more than 0.15% by
weight; other compositions: equal to or less than 2.0 % by weiht; and the
balance substantially consisting of iron. The surfaces thereof may be
sulphurized. The steel has excellent resistance to wear and scuffing,
provides high strength, great elongation, and high toughness, and also
provides good machinability.
Desgaste o aço resistindo, um membro deslizante para um cilindro em um motor de combustão interna, e uma mola do anel consiste: carbono: igual a ou menos de 2.2% pelo peso; silicone: igual a ou menos de 1.2% pelo peso; manganês: igual a ou mais de 0.2 % pelo peso e menos de 1.20% pelo peso; cromo: igual a ou menos de 16% pelo peso; phosphorus: igual a ou menos de 0.08% pelo peso; enxôfre: igual a ou mais de 0.15% pelo peso; outras composições: igual a ou menos de 2.0 % pelo weiht; e o contrapeso que consiste substancialmente no ferro. As superfícies disso podem sulphurized. O aço tem a resistência excelente ao desgaste e a arrastar, fornece a força elevada, o elongation grande, e o toughness elevado, e fornece também o machinability bom.