A VGA (or other component video signal) output, e.g. from a computer or DVD player, is subject to protection so it is viewable on a VGA monitor. If the component video signal is converted to composite video (e.g. television) the resulting television picture is of substantially degraded quality, thereby inhibiting viewing and/or copying. This protects for instance copyrighted material in the VGA format from unauthorized use. The protection modifies the horizontal or vertical synchronization signals in the VGA video in such a way that there is no adverse affect on a typical VGA monitor. Most or all VGA to television converters and/or television sets and VCR's suffer from loss of synchronization, resulting in an unviewable picture. Methods and apparatuses for defeating this copy protection are provided herein.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Video copy protection process enhancement to introduce horizontal and vertical picture distortions

< Method and system for preventing the off screen copying of a video or film presentation

> Method and apparatus for modifying a video signal by back porch lowering

> Protection of a component video signal

~ 00016