The present invention relates to an on-line method and a flow system as
well as a cuvette for carrying out IR spectrometry for analysis of liquid
food products, possibly containing dissolved gases, in a process line in a
liquid food product processing plant, especially a dairy processing milk
and milk products. A liquid sample is extracted from the process line to a
measuring branch, the sample is thermostated and passed to a measurement
cuvette. The IR-absorbance spectrum is measured, e.g. in the MID-IR or
NIR-range. In order to obtain an on-line monitoring of the process line
the liquid food sample is extracted directly from the process line into
the measurement branch, in which the pressure is maintaining at least as
high as in the adjacent process line. The high pressure ensures that
dissolved air will stay dissolved in the liquid food. Before each new
sample the measurement branch and cuvette are flushed by high flow rates
with a part of the new sample to clean the cuvette. The measurement
cuvette has strong windows, preferably diamond windows to stand a high
pressure and high flow rates. The on-line system is arranged to carry out
eg. 120 measurements per hour.