This invention relates to water-soluble/dispersible reactive imido and
polyimido compounds, wherein the polyimido compounds may be selected from
the group consisting of polysuccinimide compounds, polyglutimide
compounds, and copolymers of thereof. The polyimido compounds comprise a
water-solubilizing/dispersing moiety that provides water-solubility and/or
water-dispersibility to the polyimido compound and preferably is derived
from a nucleophilic moiety selected from the group consisting of amines,
alcohols, phenols, thiols, and carboxylates. The present invention also
pertains to a proteinaceous substrate to which the imido or polyimido
compound has been covalently bonded and to a method for treating a
proteinaceous substrate with the imido or polyimido compound.
Этот вымысел относит к смесям imido и polyimido water-soluble/dispersible реактивным, при котором смеси polyimido могут быть выбраны от смесей polysuccinimide группы consist of, смесей polyglutimide, и сополимеров thereof. Смеси polyimido состоят из moiety water-solubilizing/dispersing снабубежит вод-rastvorimost6 and/or вод-raspyl4emost6 смесь polyimido и предпочтительн выведен от нуклеофильного moiety выбранного от аминов, спиртов, фенолов, тиолов, и carboxylates группы consist of. Присытствыющий вымысел также pertains к proteinaceous субстрату к смесь imido или polyimido ковалентно была скреплена и к методу для обрабатывать proteinaceous субстрат с смесью imido или polyimido.