A retractor (20) for a vehicle safety restraint for use in a rear vehicle seat comprising: seat belt webbing wound on a rotatable spool (2), and a vehicle sensor having an inertial sensor mass (5) supported in a housing and movable relative thereto when vehicle acceleration or deceleration exceeds a predetermined magnitude; a vehicle sensor pawl (7) arranged to be moved, in response to movement of the mass, from a position in which the spool is freely rotatable into a spool locking position; a seat back latching condition detector, adapted to be located in a latch for the rear seat back, means (10) connecting the latching condition detector to the vehicle sensing pawl, the connecting means being operable to move the pawl (7) into the spool locking position when a seat back deatched condition is detected.

Web www.patentalert.com

< (none)

< Geranium plant named `Jolly Bee`

> Magnetic rattle system

> (none)

~ 00017