A resisting and pulling mechanism comprises an excited magnetic disk and a
braking wheel mounted coaxially with the excited magnetic disk which is
provide with an excited magnetic coil. The braking wheel and the excited
magnetic disk are separated from each other by an air gap. As the excited
magnetic coil is provided with electric current, a magnetic field is
effected around the excited magnetic coil. In the meantime, a magnetic
flux is brought about on the excited magnetic disk. As the braking wheel
is in motion, the eddy current is induced between the braking wheel and
the magnetic poles of the excited magnetic disk such that the eddy current
interacts with the magnetic flux to effect a rotation moment. When the
excited magnetic disk is exerted on by an external force opposite in
direction to the rotation moment, a resistance is effected such that the
resistance can be transmitted to an external device which is connected
with the excited magnetic disk via a pulley or belted wheel.