Novel .beta.-lactams finding utility as intermediates in the preparation of sidechain-bearing taxes such as tall and tall derivatives. The present invention also relates to novel methods of coupling .beta.-lactams to form such sidechain-bearing taxes, and to novel sidechain-bearing taxes.

Beta.-lactames de roman trouvant l'utilité comme intermédiaires dans la préparation des impôts de sidechain-roulement tels que les dérivés grands et grands. La présente invention se relie également aux méthodes de roman de coupler des beta.-lactames pour former de tels impôts de sidechain-roulement, et aux impôts de sidechain-roulement de roman.


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< Integrated optical circuit

> Communication system using a modem with a mode in which data receiving operation is shifted to control signal communication upon detecting a momentary disconnection

> (none)

~ 00019