A removable hoisting apparatus for use on an aircraft to hoist cargo and
people into the aircraft. The removable hoisting apparatus comprises a
base member, a telescoping mast member, a boom member, and a hoist
assembly carried by the boom member. The base member is of negligible
weight and is adapted for attachment to the floor of the aircraft. The
telescoping mast has a bottom portion and a top portion. The bottom
portion is releasably connected to the base member, and the top portion is
releasably connected to the bottom portion. The top portion extends
through an opening in the aircraft. A shoulder member is connected to the
top portion, and a boom member is connected to the shoulder member. A
rigid link member connects the boom member to the aircraft. The removable
hoisting apparatus can be quickly removed from the aircraft by releasing
only three quick-release fasteners, leaving only the base member attached
to the aircraft.