An interactive defect reporting system is designed to handle enroute
equipment problems and repairs in a paperless process that enables
on-board personnel to report equipment problems using a phone. After
calling the system, the on-board personnel describes the, problem in their
own words in as much detail as necessary. The computerized reporting
system assigns a unique Trouble Ticket number to the report and all
subsequent repairs. Mechanics listen to the Trouble Tickets or have
transcribed copies faxed to their facilities. Trouble Tickets are also
immediately available to all downline maintenance facilities so that
mechanics can prepared for problems on a train well in advance of its
arrival. Once a problem is fixed, the mechanics called in the repair and
describe in detail what was done to fix the problem. On-board personnel
can listen to the repairs or request a fax copy of the Trouble Ticket. The
system updates an existing nationwide master system that contains all
information pertaining to trains within the fleet so that any one with
access to the master system can also access the Trouble Tickets and repair
histories therefor. The interactive defect reporting system also has the
capability of updating the nationwide master system with repair codes and
equipment problem histories for auditing purposes.