An information organization and retrieval system that efficiently organizes
documents for rapid and efficient search and retrieval based upon topical
content is presented. The information organization and retrieval system is
optimized for the organization and retrieval of only those documents that
are relevant to a given set of predefined topics. If a document does not
have a topic that is included in the given set of topics, the document is
excluded from the provided service. In like manner, if a document includes
a topic that is specifically banned from the provided service, it is
excluded. In this paradigm, the provider purposely limits the scope of the
provided search and retrieval services, but in so doing provides a more
efficient and effective service that is targeted to an expected user
demand. The information organization and retrieval system also supports
context-sensitive search and retrieval techniques, including the use of
predefined or user-defined views for augmenting the search criteria, as
well as the use of user specific vocabularies. In a preferred embodiment,
the select set of topics are organized in multiple overlapping
hierarchies, and a distributed software architecture is used to support
the topic-based information organization, routing, and retrieval services.
Documents may be relevant to one or more topics, and will be associated
with each topic via the topical hierarchies that are maintained by the
information servers.