Anti-counterfeiting and counterfeit detection devices and procedures are
provided particularly usable in connection with vouchers issued by coin
discriminator or coin counting machines. Paper stock may be preprinted
with inks which are not readily photocopied without apparent alteration.
Preprinting is preferably in two or more orientations such as longitudinal
and lateral and preferably some preprinting is positioned closer to the
paper stock edge than can typically be achieved using ordinarily available
laser printers or inkjet printers. A pattern of perforations, preferably
micro perforations, are provided in a curved, preferably tightly radiused
shape or configuration. Serial numbers or other identifiers may be
preprinted on portions of the paper stock and matching or correlatable
numbers printed on such preprinted paper stock substantially at the time
of printing the voucher value. Patterns or indicia printed on one surface
of the paper are preferably registered with respect to patterns or indicia
printed on the opposite side such that a voucher may be validated by
verifying proper registration such as when holding a voucher up to a