A method and an apparatus for storing data provide data memory in a
systematic, cyclical arrangement, provide plural data portals in an
arrangement defined by modular arithmetic, and provide sequential,
relative movement between the data memory and the data portals. When one
or more of the plural portals is selected, data can be input or output in
a manner which is predictable, straight-forward, free of scheduling
constraints, and very efficient, without contention between the separate
portals. Also disclosed are a method and apparatus which provide data
memory in a systematic, cyclical arrangement, provide a systematic
arrangement of plural data outputs, and provide sequential, relative
movement between the data memory and the data outputs. The memory devices
of the present invention can be designed so that the memory device
circulates data either through or past fixed portals. Alternatively, the
data can be stored in fixed locations and the portals moved from location
to location. Preferred embodiments of the invention utilize semiconductor
memory technology in order to implement the memory devices. Another set of
embodiments utilizes memory storage media capable of confining propagating
waves in order to implement the memory devices.