Wavefront information for an optical system is calculated based on the intensity of an image of a plurality of gratings having different periods and orientations taken from at least two different planes a predetermined distance apart. The image of a plurality of gratings having different spatial frequencies or periods and orientations, the location of which are precisely known, are imaged in a nominal focal plane of the optical system, and, preferably, in two additional planes displaced a predetermined distance from the nominal focal plane. The phase shift, if any, from a fundamental frequency of the image intensity, is determined based on the known location of the grating and the grating image intensity. The grating image intensity is detected and measured in a first detection plane in a nominal focal plane and in a second detection plane a predetermined distance from the nominal focal plane. From these measurements wavefront information is calculated. By utilizing a plurality of different gratings, the wavefront at different spatial locations in the optical system may be mapped, providing information relating to image quality. The present invention provides wavefront information, which is directly related to image quality, relatively easily and without having to remove the optical system from the device, such as a photolithographic device used in semiconductor manufacturing. The present invention is particularly applicable to optical systems designed for UV illumination, which tends to degrade or modify optics over time. More consistent, better quality imaging is obtained with reduced down time.

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< System and method for transmitting data

> Indication device

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~ 00030