Method and apparatus for determining the state of entrainment between
biological systems which exhibit oscillatory behavior such as heart
rhythms, respiration, blood pressure waves and low frequency brain waves
based on a determination of heart rate variability (HRV). Entrainment
reflects a harmonious balance between the two branches of the autonomic
nervous system within the body. This internal state of heightened
physiological efficiency enhances health and promotes optimal performance.
According to one embodiment a method is used to determine the entrainment
level based on an entrainment parameter related to HRV. The method first
determines the power distribution spectrum (PSD) and then calculates an
entrainment parameter (EP), which is a measure of the power distribution
in the HRV spectrum. High EP values occur when this power is concentrated
within a relatively narrow range of frequencies, and lower values when the
power is distributed over a broader range of frequencies. In one
embodiment, an apparatus is provided for monitoring the heart beat and
presenting this information via a personal computer, handheld device, or
other processing means.