Method and apparatus for encapsulating a reference to a method in object-based programming systems and ensuring that the reference is safe are disclosed. The method of encapsulation provides for: a) defining an entity that defines the shape of the method to be referenced; b) obtaining a reference to a method; c) storing this reference in arbitrary data structures; d) passing the reference to code written by other parties; e) enabling invocation of the method by anyone holding the method reference; and f) enabling the holder of a method reference to determine the target object and method being referenced. These objectives are achieved in a strongly typed manner, making it possible for: a) developers to learn of type mismatch problems early (at compile-time) rather than late (at run-time); and b) development tools to present information to developers about the shape of components that use delegates. In addition, a model of event based programming is disclosed, wherein event-related code can be encapsulated in delegates.


< (none)

< Dynamic classification of sections of software

> Method and apparatus for providing an error messaging system

> (none)

~ 00034