So that a device for producing selector positions is easy to operate, the stop positions of which can be taken in securely and largely free of mechanical wear, and so that it is easily adaptable, in particular to the respective operating conditions, a position transmitter unit (1) is provided which is movable along a longitudinal axis, and thereby its position transmitter teeth can be fixed with respect to the teeth of a first position detector element (6.1., . . . 6.n). The position transmitter unit (1) can be shifted with a finger body along the longitudinal axis into a recess, and thereby a second rotation body can be placed on a second position selector unit, and this position can be detected by a second position detector element (57). The position transmitter unit (1) can be moved with a moving device (32.1, . . . 32.n) via a second position selector unit two dimensionally with respect to a base body (4), and this position can be detected by third position detector elements (8.1).


< (none)

< Tape cassette storage and accessing system with closely spaced layered cassettes

> Motor unit with an integrated speed sensor for a bicycle hub transmission

> (none)

~ 00034