A process for alkylation of aromatic compounds using a new family of related crystalline aluminosilicate zeolites has been developed. These zeolites are represented by the empirical formula: M.sub.m.sup.n+ R.sub.r.sup.p+ Al.sub.(1-x) E.sub.x Si.sub.y O.sub.z where M is an alkali or alkaline earth metal such as lithium and strontium, R is a nitrogen containing organic cation such as tetramethyl-ammonium and E is a framework element such as gallium.

Был начат процесс для алкилирования ароматичных смесей используя новую семью родственных кристаллических цеолитов aluminosilicate. Эти цеолиты представлены эпирической формулой: M.sub.m.sup.n+ R.sub.r.sup.p+ Ал.суб.(й-al.sub.(1-x) E.sub.x Si.sub.y O.sub.z где м будет металл алкалиа или алкалической земли such as литий и стронций, р будет азотом содержа органический катион such as тетраметюыл-ammoni1 и е будет элемент рамок such as галлий.

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< Production of olefins

> Direct selective synthesis of para-xylene by reacting an aromatic compound with a methylating agent formed from CO, Co2 and H2

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