In a tiltable arc furnace in which a furnace vessel (2) and a portal (4)
for an electrode lifting and pivoting apparatus are arranged on a platform
(1 and 3) of a furnace cradle which is tiltable by a tilting apparatus and
which includes two mutually spaced cradle runner skids (16) which each run
on a respective support path (17), wherein the furnace vessel (2) is
arranged on a first platform region which is between the cradle runner
skids (16) and the portal (4) is arranged on a second platform region
which is outside the cradle runner skids (16) the two platform regions are
in the form of separate platform portions (1, 3) which are connected
together by a hinge pivot (13), the portal platform portion (3) carrying
the portal (4) is supported by way of a further cradle runner skid (20) on
a further rolling path (21) and is tiltable by the tilting apparatus
synchronously with the vessel platform portion (1) carrying the furnace
vessel (2).