A new miniature rose plant which has abundant, light pink flowers and attractive foliage. The variety successfully propagates from softwood cuttings and is suitable for year round production in commercial glasshouses. This new and distinct variety has shown to be uniform and stable in the resulting generations from asexual propagation.

Uma planta cor-de-rosa da miniatura nova que tenha flores cor-de-rosa abundantes, claras e o foliage atrativo. A variedade propaga com sucesso dos cortes do softwood e é apropriada para a produção redonda do ano em glasshouses comerciais. Esta variedade nova e distinta mostrou para ser uniforme e estábulo nas gerações resultantes da propagação asexual.

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< Neutralizing high affinity human monoclonal antibodies specific to RSV F-protein and methods for their manufacture and therapeutic use thereof

> Direct polymerase chain reaction assay, or bio-PCR

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