A highly porous three-dimensional biodegradable poly(organophosphazene) matrix with hydrolytically unstable side chains is prepared and used as a scaffold for the growth of osteoblast cells. In a preferred embodiment, the poly(organophosphazene) includes between 10 and 90% hydrolytically unstable side chains including glucosyl, glyceryl, glyceryl, imidazolyl or ethoxy units, for example, poly[(methylphenoxy)(ethyl glycinato) phosphazene]. The addition of the glucosyl, glycinyl or glyceryl side chains to the polymer can also be used generally to enhance growth rates of cells adhered to the polymer, presumably through uptake and metabolism of the simple sugar or alcohol units.

Uma matriz biodegradable tridimensional altamente porosa do poly(organophosphazene) com as correntes laterais hydrolytically instáveis é preparada e usada como um scaffold para o crescimento de pilhas do osteoblast. Em uma incorporação preferida, o poly(organophosphazene) inclui entre correntes laterais hydrolytically instáveis de 10 e de 90% including unidades glucosyl, glyceryl, glyceryl, do imidazolyl ou do ethoxy, para o exemplo, o phosphazene do glycinato do poly[(methylphenoxy)(ethyl) ]. A adição do glucosyl, do glycinyl ou das correntes laterais glyceryl ao polímero pode também ser usada geralmente realçar taxas de crescimento das pilhas aderidas ao polímero, presumably através do uptake e do metabolism das unidades simples do açúcar ou do álcool.

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