The invention relates to the use, as active principle, in a physiologically acceptable medium, in a composition, of an effective amount of at least one compound of the indolecarboxylic family, this compound or these compositions being intended to treat disorders associated with overactivity of 5.alpha.-reductase. These compounds or the compositions containing them are more particularly intended to treat androgen-dependent disorders such as seborrhoea and/or acne and/or hirsutism and/or androgenic alopecia. The invention also relates to novel compounds of the indolecarboxylic family and to compositions containing them.

Вымысел относит к пользе, как активно принцип, в физиологически приемлемо средстве, в составе, эффективного количества по крайней мере одной смеси indolecarboxylic семьи, этой смеси или этих составов будучи предназначанным обработать разлады связанные с overactivity 5.alpha.-reductase. Эти смеси или составы содержа их определенно предназначены обработать андроген-zavisimye разлады such as seborrhoea and/or acne and/or гирсутизм and/or андрогеная алопесия. Вымысел также относит к смесям романа indolecarboxylic семьи и к составам содержа их.


< (none)

< Method for repelling arthropods

> Cyclic amide compounds

> (none)

~ 00044