A distinct cultivar of Chrysanthemum plant named `Pink Yograceland`, characterized by its uniform and upright plant habit; strong, dark green foliage; uniform flowering response; early flowering; very large daisy-type inflorescences with large anemone centers; lavender pink-colored ray and bright yellow-colored disc florets; and good postproduction longevity.

Um cultivar distinto da planta do chrysanthemum nomeou o ` Yograceland` cor-de-rosa, caracterizado por seu hábito de planta uniforme e ereto; foliage verde forte, escuro; resposta flowering uniforme; cedo flowering; o daisy-tipo muito grande inflorescences com anemone grande centra-se; o lavender cor-de-rosa-coloriu o raio e os florets amarelo-coloridos brilhantes do disco; e longevity bom do postproduction.

Web www.patentalert.com

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< Chrysanthemum plant named `Coral Yonashville`

> Salvia plant named `Santa Barbara`

> (none)

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