A gas turbine generator plant is provided in which, by forming auxiliary
equipment, including a starter, a lubricating oil device, a control oil
device, and a lubricating oil main tank, into a unit, the auxiliary
equipment may be disposed with a building in a unitary manner with a
generator and a gas turbine unit. The auxiliary equipment is made unitary
to form the unitary auxiliary equipment. The unitary auxiliary equipment,
the generator, and the gas turbine unit are disposed first, second, and
third, respectively, within the building. Thus, the installed floor area
of the plant may be dramatically reduced and in turn, construction costs
may also be reduced. Furthermore, the unitary auxiliary equipment can be
transported in one piece under a water resistant cover, so that it is
possible to limit, all at once, the occurrence of rust on the unitary
auxiliary equipment that could result from exposure to salt air during sea
transport. The packing may also be high-density so as to reduce
transportation costs. Furthermore, there are also few installation points
to reduce installation costs. In addition, only a single dedicated crane
need be installed to carry out the maintenance to further save costs.