A personal owned palm-held device consisting of software executed on a palm-held personal computer (PC) saddled into and connected directly to a dGPS receiver such that an individual golf player may map a golf course by traversing its attributes, displaying said map and collecting golf play data for any golf course. In addition, the ability to upload and download golf course maps to an Internet web site shall reduce the need for subsequent users to repeat the effort of mapping the same course more than once. Also, downloadable courses will facilitate the use of the palm-held PC by users that do not have a dGPS attachment. When used without a dGPS attachment, ball locations will be determined manually by estimating the ball location with reference to visual salient course attributes.

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< Method and apparatus for finding related collections of linked documents using co-citation analysis

> Personal computer-based mail processing system with security arrangement contained in the personal computer

> (none)

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