Process for the preparation of ammonia from ammonia synthesis gas by contacting the synthesis gas with ammonia forming conditions with a catalyst comprising ruthenium as the active catalytic material supported on a carrier of boron nitride and/or silicon nitride.

Процесс для подготовки амиака от газа синтеза амиака путем контактировать газ синтеза при амиак формируя условия при катализатор состоя из рутения как активно каталитический материал поддержанный на несущей нитрида бора and/or нитрида кремния.


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< Rapid synthesis of carbon nanotubes and carbon encapsulated metal nanoparticles by a displacement reaction

> High intensity discharge lamp, driving apparatus for high intensity discharge lamp, and high intensity discharge lamp system

> (none)

~ 00051