A dual belt system having a load-bearing or "utility" belt as well as a
climbing harness waist band. An inner belt is a waistband for a climbing
harness, the other outer belt being any typical load bearing belt, such as
a military gear belt. The inner harness waistband and the load bearing
belt are connected together by a series of releasable loops upon the
waistband that may be opened to allow the load bearing belt to be
separated from the harness. The loops may be closed and secured, as by
fasteners, around a load bearing belt to temporarily connect together the
harness waistband and the load bearing belt, so that they functional as an
integral unit. Also provided are leg loops, permanently attached to the
waistband of the harness, with which a true pelvis-girdling climbing
harness may be assembled. The leg loops are stowed in a special pouch on
the waistband until such time as they are deployed for use.