A method is described of converting a file system path corresponding to a
resource to a uniform resource locator (URL) corresponding to the
resource. After receiving the file system path, the following information
is obtained related to the resource located in the inputted file system
path: the protocol prefix, domain name, the port number if different than
default, and the URL fixed subdirectory structure if any. This information
may be obtained, for example, by reference to a URL provided to a
conversion module. The URL is then manufactured by first assigning the
protocol prefix as the left-most characters of the URL. Then, the domain
name, a colon ":" and port number if different than default, any
subdirectory structure, and a latter portion of the file system path are
added to the protocol prefix. Finally, any back slashes ".backslash." are
converted to forward slashes "/" to complete the conversion to the URL.