A shoe comprises a flexible outersole, an insole and an upper, the upper
being formed from a flat Thermo Plastic Rubber blank, a toe cap first
being fabricated in the blank by means of a teacup crease special-use
sewing machine, the blank or preform subsequently affixed to a last and
joined by a second special purpose sewing machine, or disc feed
overseaming machine, to a non-woven fabric midsole or insole,
substantially completing the upper. Thermal processing on the resulting
preform completes processing of the upper without use of an insole board.
A third element of the shoe, the outersole, is unitary in construction,
and equipped with a unique pattern of intersecting grooves, as well as an
external bridge or instep support in lieu of an inner steel shank.
Following bonding of the upper and the outersole, a shoe of unique
flexibility is produced, while still providing adequate protection to an
active user's foot.