An enhancement to existing logical volume managers which provides the functionality to expand logical volumes employing multiple levels of aggregation. It includes functionality to determine if a logical volume employing multiple levels of aggregation can be expanded. If it can be expanded, the aggregator or feature which will perform the expansion is determined. Once this has been done, the features and aggregators that need to be applied to the partitions being added to the volume are determined. These features and aggregators are then applied to the partitions being added to the volume, with user input as required. Finally, the aggregator which will perform the actual expansion is called, the volume is expanded, and all of the remaining features and aggregators on the volume are given the opportunity to update their respective data as appropriate to accommodate the new size of the volume


< (none)

< Computer system and method for abstracting and accessing a chronologically-arranged collection of information

> Apparatus and method for file locking for computer programs that use different size locks

> (none)

~ 00061