Disclosed is the DNA sequence of an enzyme which catalyzes the conversion of chitin to chitosan. The enzyme exhibits substantial homology to the rhizobial nodB protein.

Révélé est l'ordre d'ADN d'une enzyme qui catalyse la conversion de la chitine en chitosan. L'enzyme montre l'homologie substantielle à la protéine rhizobial de nodB.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Deacetylase inhibitors

< Deacetylase genes for the production of phosphinothricin or phosphin-othricyl-alanyl-alanine, process for their isolation, and their use

> Deacetylase genes for the production of phosphinothricin or phosphinothricyl-alanyl-alanine, process for their isolation, and their use

> Class of cytodifferentiating agents and histone deacetylase inhibitors, and methods of use thereof

~ 00065