A method of determining providing analytical services, particularly trace element analysis is disclosed. The method includes supplying a sample container to a customer, having the customer return the sample container with the sample inside the container, and analyzing the sample by neutron activation analysis without opening the sample container.

Un método de determinar los servicios analíticos de abastecimiento, particularmente análisis del elemento de rastro se divulga. El método incluye proveer un envase de muestra a un cliente, tener la vuelta del cliente el envase de muestra con la muestra dentro del envase, y analizar la muestra por análisis por activación de neutrón sin abrir el envase de muestra.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Measurement and analysis of mercury-based pseudo-field effect transistors

< Method for manufacturing a radiation shielding material

> Electrodeless fluorescent lamp with low wall loading

> System and method for measuring physical, chemical and biological stimuli using vertical cavity surface emitting lasers with integrated tuner

~ 00067