The present invention comprises a heating wrap for placement against an
injured/painful area of a person's body and an analgesic cream being
placed between the heating wrap and the injured/painful area. The invented
cream is formulated specifically for use with a heating wrap to be
heat-compatible. The added heat from the heating wrap enhances the
permeability of the skin and the tendency of the cream to permeate into
the skin. The cream preferably includes an ingredient pharmaceutically
categorized as an analgesic agent and an ingredient pharmaceutically
categorized as an anti-inflammatory agent. Preferably, the cream does not
include ingredients at levels that irritate human skin at the elevated
temperatures of the heating wrap, that is, at about 110-140 degrees F.
wrap temperatures. The heat wrap may be a pad that includes a flexible
sleeve for receiving and surrounding the pad, plus a set of straps for
holding the pad or pad/sleeve combination on the body area that is to be
treated. Also, the preferred heating wrap includes a thin sheet that will
absorb water, which sheet may be dampened with water and inserted between
the heating pad and surrounding flexible sleeve, for providing moist heat