An access interface for accessing electrical nodes of an electronic circuit
for programming, testing, and debugging the electronic circuit. The access
interface includes a protocol generator and a data generator that may be
programmed to apply control and/or data sequences directly to the
electronic circuit. The access interface performs operational commands
based upon a plurality of states included in a programmable state machine.
By suitably programming the protocol generator, the data generator, and
the state machine, electrical nodes of the electronic circuit can be
accessed in reduced time using a reduced number of operations. The access
interface is controlled by a test resource apparatus, which communicates
with the electronic circuit connected to the access interface. The access
interface may be implemented as a downloadable circuit, e.g., it may be
programmed into a programmable logic device by the test resource
apparatus. Alternatively, the access interface may be implemented as a
fixed/permanent circuit in an ASIC.