A method of packaging print media in combination with a printing device
enables the printing device to automatically determine the type of media,
and its characteristics and attributes, loaded in a media input tray. The
print media package includes a pre-cut or perforated line which allows the
removal of one end of the package forming a partial package exposing one
end of sheets of the print media and encasing the print media. The print
media is loaded in the media input tray encased in the partial package
with the exposed ends of the print media sheets accessible to the printing
device feed roller. The print media package includes an identifying code
imprinted on an outside surface of the package located on the remaining
portion of the package when the package end has been removed. The media
input tray includes a sensor mounted in a location accessible to the
identifying code when the print media encased in the partial package is
loaded in the media input tray. When the loaded media input tray is
inserted in the printing device, the sensor reads the identifying code and
transmits the encoded information to the printing device control circuitry
where the printing device media settings are updated.