The present invention relates to gene therapy. In particular, therapeutic agents, therapeutic gene products, and compositions are disclosed. Various systems and methods useful in targeting and delivering non-native nucleotide sequences to specific cells are disclosed, wherein virus-antibody-ligand conjugates are used to facilitate targeting and delivery.

A invenção atual relaciona-se à terapia do gene. Particular, nos agentes therapeutic, nos produtos therapeutic do gene, e nas composições são divulgados. Os vários sistemas e os métodos úteis em seqüências non-native de escolha de objectivos e entregando do nucleotide às pilhas específicas são divulgados, wherein os conjugates do vírus-virus-antibody-ligand-ligand são usados facilitar alvejar e entrega.


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< Glycogen biosynthetic enzymes in plants

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> Animal model system for squamous cell carcinoma

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