An interpersonal development communications system and directory that
determines a participant's motivators and values in view of a requester's
motivators and values and automatically provides recommended guidance for
the requester to manage and communicate effectively with participants who
are subordinates, peers and superiors in an organization. A participant
logs on to an Internet-based interpersonal development communications
system server, or an intranet of his firm or company, and takes the
Kinsel-Hartman Profile which includes four or five lists of 18 statements
each. The participant ranks all 18 statements in each list, which in turn
are used to create an individual profile report. This report presents the
participant's blended scores of his thinking, combining his bias and
capacities concerning each dimension of value. The interpersonal
development communications application ranks those thinking orientations
that serve as motivators into an ordered list that determines an
interpersonal development profile summary describing how to deal with and
manage another member of the organization. The requestor's profile results
are compared with each member and integrated with the profile summary of
each member to provide unique guidance on communicating with peers,
subordinates and superiors in view of the requester's motivations and