A parachute system operable with a drogue parachute includes a bridle and
kill line connected to a deployment bag at one end and to the drogue
parachute at another. The bridle includes a stop carried within the
parachute container for suspension of the parachute container by the
drogue parachute during free fall. A plate is carried within the parachute
container for securing the stop when the flaps are in a locked and closed
position by a closing member and ripcord. The ripcord includes a ripcord
pin and a ripcord line passing through an eyelet of the ripcord pin and
attached at a fixed end to the parachute container for providing a pulley
effect and thus a mechanical advantage when the free end of the ripcord is
pulled. The ripcord further includes left and right lines carried within a
housing and an elastic cord between their free ends for biasing ripcord
handles against the ripcord housing. To further prevent an out of sequence
deployment of the drogue parachute and main parachute, a safety pin is
carried by the bridle outside the parachute container and is connected to
the ripcord pin for preventing removal of the ripcord pin from the closing
member until deployment of the drogue parachute causes the bridle to pull
the safety pin from the ripcord pin, thus allowing the ripcord line to
pull the ripcord pin from the closing member only after the drogue
parachute has been deployed.