The present invention provides the atomic coordinates derived from high resolution x-ray diffraction of the cocrystal complex comprising mupirocin with its target enzyme, isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase from Staphylococcus aureus, and the cognate tRNA.sup.ile from Escherichia coli. The present invention further provides methods of using the atomic coordinates to identify and design new agents which modulate protein synthesis as well as the agents themselves.

A invenção atual fornece as coordenadas atômicas derivadas do diffraction de raio X de alta resolução do mupirocin compreendendo complexo cocrystal com seu enzyme do alvo, synthetase do isoleucyl-tRNA do staphylococcus aureus, e o tRNA.sup.ile cognate dos escherichia coli. A invenção atual mais adicional fornece métodos de usar as coordenadas atômicas identificar e projetar os agentes novos que modulam a síntese os agentes ela mesma da proteína.


< (none)

< Database system for predictive cellular bioinformatics

> Apparatus and method for high throughput electrorotation analysis

> (none)

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