An apparatus and method for displaying and packaging cosmetic items. The
display case apparatus for cosmetics and other personal care products
comprises a housing having an overall shape defining a peripheral edge; a
retainer defining a plurality of interstices, said retainer coupled to
said housing such that it is co-extensive with at least a portion of the
housing peripheral edge, said retainer having a front whereupon a design
is visible whereas the plurality of interstices are disposed at
pre-determined portions of the design; at least one holding compartment
disposed within at least one retainer interstice for receiving an article.
The method comprises the steps of providing a design corresponding to a
human body portion having pre-determined colors, the design defining
interstices at locations in the design corresponding to pre-determined
body part segments and disposing within the interstices cosmetic and
personal care containers of a pre-determined color or shade complimentary
with the pre-determined body part segment.