A computer controlled, three-dimensional, iterative and reiterative, closed-loop system for automatically positioning the head of a manikin situated on a motorized stand relative to a stationary sound source in order to perform accurate near-field Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) measurements. The positioning is based on acoustic signals measured from microphones located at each ear of the manikin and is accomplished with three-axis precision for accurate near-field HRTF measuring.

Sistema controlado, tridimensional, iterativo y reiterativo, a circuito cerrado de una computadora para automáticamente colocar el jefe de un maniquí situado en un soporte motorizado concerniente a una fuente sana inmóvil para realizar medidas Cabeza-Relacionadas de la función de la transferencia del cercano-campo exacto (HRTF). La colocación se basa en las señales acústicas medidas de los micrófonos situados en cada oído del maniquí y se logra con la precisión three-axis para medir exacto del cercano-campo HRTF.

Web www.patentalert.com

< System and method for interactive approximation of a head transfer function

< Apparatus for creating 3D audio imaging over headphones using binaural synthesis

> Methods and apparatus for processing spatialized audio

> Time processed head related transfer functions in a headphone spatialization system

~ 00090