A new and distinct cultivar of Lantana plant named `Robmornorg`, characterized by its outwardly spreading, recumbent and mounding plant habit; densely foliated, full and bushy appearance; freely flowering habit; and flowers that are initially yellow, then becoming orange and eventually red in color.

Un cultivar nuevo y distinto de la planta de Lantana nombró el ` Robmornorg`, caracterizado por su hábito de planta exterior que se separaba, recumbent y mounding; denso foliated, por completo y aspecto espeso; hábito libremente de florecimiento; y flores que son inicialmente amarillas, naranja entonces que se convierte y eventual rojo en color.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Chrysanthemum plant named `Gedi Two Are`

< Petunia plant named Reflec White

> New Guinea Impatiens plant named `Kipaqui`

> Petunia plant named `Duesurlav`

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