A child's automobile activity device is provided which rotatably attaches to an extension rod of the type that hooks on the garment hooks in the rear seat area. Several types of connection members are provided, that adjustably connect an activity screen to the extension rod such that the activity screen will be optimally positioned for viewing and access by the seated child. The activity screen, in one embodiment, includes a hinged chalkboard front portion that opens to form a horizontal eating or reading surface, as well as, providing access to a storage area behind the chalkboard. The activity screen positions a display of many varied and child oriented shapes, images, numbers, letters, games and the like for the child to view or utilize. Such display can be on the interior surface of the activity screen for access when the front portion is down or on the exposed surface of the front portion when the front portion is opened to its horizontal position. The display can also replace the chalkboard on the front portion exterior surface, providing access to the display when the front portion is in the closed and vertical position. In one embodiment a slide bar is attached to the activity screen, with spinners either slidably threaded onto the bar, or looped for spinning about the bar.

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